Properties for cDbUpdateHandler




Determines if database update should continue after an error has occurred. If an error occurs in one cDbUpdateVersion object, the OnUpdate event in succeeding cDbUpdateVersion objects will not get called.


Determines if the error log should be shown after the update has finished. Note: If pbSilentMode = True, the log will not be shown. The error log file will always be created in the Data folder.


If True No questions will be asked prior starting a database update. Be careful to set this property to True. Can be useful when used with a Webapp.exe program to avoid any user interaction.


Stops update execution after the current cVersionUpdate object if errors occurred. Great for testing purposes. As soon as an error has occurred the update logic is stopped from further execution. You do not want this property to be True in production.


This is actually a Procedure Set that is send by the cDbUpdateVersion when an update has been done by that object. So it can be called from each cDbUpdateVersion object, if there has been an update in that object's OnUpdate.