DbUpdateFramework Test Program - The Database Update Framework

The Database Update Framework test program. It can be used to test a sample of functions from the cDbUpdateFunctionLibrary class.

You need to compile the DbUpdateFrameworkTests.src program first. It contains tests for four different areas;

SQL Connections

SQL Functions

API Functions

Utility Functions

The "Utility Functions" tab-page contains samples for;

- How to create a full Microsoft SQL OrderEntry sample database fully populated with data with just a few lines of code. The example uses the SQLIncludeScriptFile command to include an .sql script file into the program. It then uses the SqlUtilExecuteResource message to execute the included .sql script file which creates the database complete with data. There is also other samples for other databases that can be created for a Microsoft SQL Server.

- How to change all .int files in a folder from containing UserID and Passwords, to instead use a ConnectionID.

- How to remove all database identifications from a Filelist.cfg. The sample removes all driver information from the Filelist.cfg and restore how the Filelist.cfg would look like if all tables were embedded (.dat) tables, before the tables were converted to SQL.

- How to print the Filelist.cfg in one of the following order; Filelist Number, Logical Name, Root Name or Display Name. The output is to a text file.